Mr Naqui hosted a Masterclass in Hand & Wrist injuries with co-presenters Prof Waqar Bhattir adiologist and Laura Parker, specialist hand therapist. Held at Hotel Football, Old Trafford, 100 delegates attended from sports clubs and physiotherapy practices across the UK. The Masterclass looked in depth at the best current management practice for 2 of the most common sports injuries to the hand – PIPJ finger fracture dislocation and scapholunate ligament injury of the wrist. Sports stars Mike Wilkinson (mixed martial arts champion) and Adam Higson (Leigh Centurions Rugby League FC) were present to share their injuries and successful recovery. The evening included a live wrist examination performed by Mr Naqui (you tube link). MUTV were also in attendance interviewing Mr Naqui about Mike Wilkinson’s serious wrist injury and subsequent
successful surgery.