Fellows, Trainees, Students and Clinical Attachments

Mr. Zafar Naqui BSc(Hons), MBBS, MRCS (Eng), MSc (Orth. Engin.), FRCS (Tr. & Orth.), Br. Dip Hand Surg., Eur. Dip Hand Surg, MSc in Hand Surgery.
- Consultant Hand & Wrist Surgeon, The Manchester Hand Centre, Salford Royal Hospital (Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust)
- Group Clinical Director Trauma, Orthopaedic & Plastic Surgery, Northern Care Alliance
- Executive Committee & Council Member FESSH, Chair, Communications Committee FESSH
- Honorary Treasurer and Officer BSSH
- Chair, Communications Committee BSSH 2015-22
- SM Editor, Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur)
- Examiner for the European Board Hand Diploma.
- Examiner for the British Hand Diploma.
- Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
- Committee member BSSH Instructional Courses in Hand Surgery
I qualified at University College London. Following my house jobs in London, I completed Basic and Higher surgical training in Manchester. I undertook Fellowships in the Hand & Upper Limb at Wrightington Hospital, South Manchester Plastic Surgery Unit and Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, Boston USA. I was appointed a Consultant in 2008. I work closely with Mr. Muir, Miss Lipede, Miss Ruston and the Hand Therapy Team to provide a specialist Orthoplastic Hand & Wrist service.
The unit has evolved to deliver integrated orthoplastic hand surgery over the last decade (2013-2023). We are hugely committed to education, teaching and training. This is reflected in our passion to ensure our trainees and fellows needs are met and their excellent track record in successfully acquiring ST numbers in Plastic Surgery, passing the FRCS T&O and the BSSH and FESSH Hand Diploma exams.
All (visiting) fellows, trainees, students and clinical attachments please contact my NHS PA Dawn Smith(Email: [email protected], Tel: 0161 206 7534), in advance of your placement/ if you are interested in joining the Salford Orthoplastic Hand Unit.
Honesty, punctuality, communication, enthusiasm & attention to detail. If you would like to scrub into a case, please make sure you have read the technique, the patient’s notes and viewed their images prior to attending theatre. All patient information is available online, theatre lists are available in advance from my secretary.
Visiting Fellows & Clinical Attachments
The Salford Royal Orthoplastic Hand Unit hosts FESSH Travelling Award Fellows (to apply click here). In advance of your placement please ensure that you have full clearance from NCA Human Resources department (email: [email protected]). Please report to my secretary Dawn at 8am on your first day. You are to attend Ward B6 at 8.00 am daily, where the team meets and will shadow the Hand Unit CST or ST on the days that I am not on site.
British Advanced Training Post (ATP) Interface Hand Fellows
The Salford Royal Orthoplastic Hand Unit hosts BSSH ATP Fellows (for further information click here). BSSH Hand Diploma tutorials are held on Tuesday lunchtime. Teaching is also done during the Hand MDT 0730-0900 Tuesday. It is useful to set out a schedule of tutorials with the other Fellows at the start of your placement. Please note that I deliver tutorials for Unit 3 (Fractures & Joint Injuries of the Hand & Wrist) & Unit 4 (Osteoarthritis and Inflammatory Disorders of the Hand & Wrist).
CST/ST Surgical Trainees
Please submit your work-place based assessments (WBAs) through the ICSP page.
GPVTS Trainees
Please submit your work-place based assessments (WBAs) through the ticket code system on the RCGP page.
Medical Students
Please report to my secretary at 8am on your first day. You are to attend Ward B6 at 8.00 am daily and will shadow the Hand Team CT or ST on the days that I am not on site.
You may be undertaking a 3rd Year Personal Excellence Pathway (PEP), 4th Year Student Selected Component (SSC) or 5th Year Student Assistantship (SA). It is often helpful to email my secretary at [email protected] in advance to organise an audit or project if this is something that interests you.
The Salford Royal Hand Unit Orthoplastic Fellows
- 2007 Miss Meg Birks, Mr Sukhraj Dillon, Mr Hassan Shaaban
- 2008 Mr Zaf Naqui, Mr Alex Cowie, Miss Rowena Umaar
- 2009 Mr Russ Jeffers, Mr Andrew McMurtrie
- 2010 Mr Jeff Ayeung, Mr Prash Jedudason
- 2011 Mr Alastair Lowrie, Mr Mark Brewster
- 2012 Mr CY Ng, Mr Stephen Lipscombe
- 2013 Miss Alexia Karantana, Mr Kiran Hirpara
- 2014 Miss Victoria Deans
- 2015 Mr Mo Akhavani, Miss Mary-Clare Miller, Mr Ben Klass
- 2016 Miss Paulina Witt, Miss Danielle Wharton
- 2017 Mr Chrishan Mariathas, Miss Rakhee Chawla
- 2018 Mr Preetham Kodumuri, Miss Helen Richards, Mr Michael David
- 2019 Miss Fouzia Choukairi, Miss Christina Lipede
- 2020 Mr Richard Atkinson, Mr Sanil Ajwani, Miss Suan Khor
- 2021 Miss Julia Ruston, Mr Yazan Ajam
- 2022 Mr Malek Racy, Mr Vish Palial
- 2023 Miss Lesley McKee, Miss Natalie Hope
FESSH hosted visiting Fellows
- Miss Viviana Maja Rosero (Budapest)
- Miss Marta Malinowska (Brussels)
- Dr Niyaz Latypov (Moscow)