Mr. Zaf Naqui
MBBS, BSc (Hons), MRCS (Eng.), MSc (Orth Engin.), FRCS (Tr. & Orth.), Br. Dip. Hand Surg., Eur. Dip. Hand Surg., MSc (Hand Surgery)
- Consultant Hand & Wrist Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital (Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust)
- Examiner for the European Board Hand Diploma & the British Hand Diploma
- Group Clinical Director Trauma, Orthopaedic & Plastic Surgery Northern Care Alliance
- Clinical Director Trauma, Orthopaedic & Plastic Surgery Salford Royal Hospital (2019-2023)
- Clinical Lead for Governance & Patient Safety, Department of Orthopaedics
- Specialty Tutor for Trauma & Orthopaedics
- Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
- Honorary Treasurer & Officer (BSSH)
- Committee member BSSH Instructional Courses in Hand Surgery
- Convenor of Masterclasses in Hand Surgery (BSSH)
- SM Editor Journal of Hand Surgery (European)
- Executive Committee (FESSH)
- Chair, Communications Committee (FESSH)
- Chair, Communications Committee (BSSH) 2015-2022
- Chair of North West Surgical Hand Society and SAS Hand Manchester
- Member British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH)
- Fellow – Royal College of Surgeons England
GMC No: 4423993
Clinical Practice: Mr Naqui works within the NHS as a Consultant Hand & Wrist Surgeon at Salford Royal Hospital (Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust). His practice comprises all open and arthroscopic hand and wrist procedures including complex tertiary referrals from other hospitals.
His current clinical interests within the Hand and Wrist include Hand & Wrist (sports) injuries, arthritis of the thumb, fingers, hand and wrist; minimally invasive Dupuytrens surgery, wide awake hand surgery (WAHS), unexplained wrist pain, one-stop carpal tunnel service, complex wrist injuries and distal radius fractures.
He is proficient in the management of complex Hand & Wrist trauma.
Training: He has had dual training exposure in both Orthopaedic and Plastic Hand surgery. He has previously completed Hand & Upper Limb Fellowships at Wrightington Hospital, an Advanced Training Post (ATP) Hand Ortho-Plastics Fellowship at University Hospital South Manchester and the prestigious AO Fellowship in Hand Surgery at Harvard University (Massachusetts General Hospital). He has gained wide experience in the management of complex hand and wrist trauma.
Academia & Research: His appointment to the Academic SpR rotation enabled him to develop a keen interest in audit and research. He has completed Masters degrees in both Orthopaedic Engineering and Hand Surgery and became the first consultant to be awarded both the British and European Hand Surgery Diplomas in 2013. He has engaged in research throughout the upper limb including Hand, Wrist, Shoulder and Elbow.
He has published research on the management of distal radius fracture, scaphoid fractures, scapho-lunate injury, wrist arthritis (STT arthritis), wide awake hand surgery, mallet finger injury, education and training opportunities in hand surgery, the use of technology for virtual consultation in hand surgery and ‘green’ (sustainability) issues in hand surgery. He lead and co-ordinated a North-West of England multi-centre prospective randomised controlled trial looking into the management of extra-articular distal radial fractures.
He has written several book chapters including: ‘Tendinopathy at the Wrist’ in the textbook ‘Disorders of The Hand’ and ‘Bone and Joint Injuries of the wrist and forearm’ in the Oxford Handbook of Hand Surgery and Hand Therapy.
Mr Naqui’s research publications can be found here: Click Here
- The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH)
- European Wrist Arthroscopy Society (EWAS)
- International Society for Sport Traumatology of the Hand (ISSPORTH)
- North West Surgical Hand Society (NWSHS)
- SAS Hand Manchester
- North West Orthopaedic Association (NWOA)
- British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS)
- British Trauma Society (BTS)
- British Orthopaedic Association (BOA)
- British Medical Association (BMA)
- 2015 | MSc in Hand Surgery
- 2013 | European Diploma Hand Surgery
- 2013 | British Diploma Hand Surgery
- 2008 | Certificate of Completion of Training in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (JCST)
- 2006 | FRCS Trauma & Orthopaedics
- 2005 | MSc in Orthopaedic Engineering, University of Cardiff, Wales
- 2000 | MRCS Royal College of Surgeons of England, London
- 1997 | MBBS University College London Medical School
- 1994 | BSc (Hons.) Anatomy, University College London
- 1984-91 | The Manchester Grammar School
- National Clinical Impact Award 2022-6: The national scheme rewards consultants who deliver national impact above the expectations of their role. They specifically recognise the dissemination and implementation of that work and its impact on the wider NHS and public health. The 5 domains competitively assessed are:
(I) delivering and developing a high quality service
(II) leadership
(III) education, training and people development
(IV) innovation and research
(V) additional national impact. - ASSH International Travelling Fellowship Prize 2014
- 2013 | BSSH STACK International Fellowship Prize
- 2012 | NHS Clinical Excellence Award, Salford Royal NHS Trust
- 2008 | The Peter Mallimson Bursary for the Best Research Paper, North West Orthopaedic Association
- 2007 | The Sir John Charnley Prize for the Best Adult Clinical Paper, North West Orthopaedic Association
- 2007 | Royal Bolton NHS Trust Excellence Award (Organisational Learning & Development Champion)
- 2002 | Bolton Medical Society Junior Doctors Presentation Prize
- 1997 | Prize Membership of ‘The Middlesex Hospital Society’
- 1996 | Prize Membership of ‘The Middlesex Hospital Society’
- 1996 | First prize in Department of Primary Health Care Project
- 1995 | Prize Membership of ‘The Middlesex Hospital Society’
- 1995 | The John Murray and Sir William Gowers Prize for Clin. Pharmacology
- 2014 | ASSH (American Society for Surgery of the Hand) International Travelling Fellow
- 2014 | Visiting Wrist Fellow, Prof. Marc Garcia-Elias & Dr. Angel Ferreres, Institut Kaplan, Barcelona, Spain
- 2013 | Awarded BSSH STACK International Fellowship
- 2012 | AO Trauma Fellowship, Prof. Jesse Jupiter, Harvard University, Mass. General Hospital, Boston, USA
- 2008 | Interface Hand Advanced Training Post, Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital of South Manchester
- 2007 | Hand & Upper Limb Fellowship, Wrightington Hospital
- 2006-7 | Hand & Upper Limb Peri-Fellowship, Royal Bolton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- 2005-6 | Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
- 2004-5 | Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (CMFT) & Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
- 2003-4 | North Manchester General Hospital, Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
- 2002-3 | University Hospital of South Manchester
- 2002 | Senior House Officer, Orthopaedic Surgery, Royal Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
- 2001 | Senior House Officer, Burns & Plastic Surgery, Royal Manchester Children’s & University Hospital South Manchester
- 2001 | Senior House Officer, Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital of South Manchester
- 2000 | Senior House Officer, General & Vascular Surgery, Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
- 2000 | Senior House Officer, Orthopaedic Surgery, Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
- 1999 | Senior House Officer, Accident & Emergency, University Hospital South Manchester
- 1999 | Senior House Officer, Adult & Paediatric Neurosurgery, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
- 1998 | House Surgeon, University College Hospital London, Prof J Cobb (Orthopaedic Surgery)
- SM Editor for the Journal of Hand Surgery (European)
- Executive Committee Member (FESSH)
- Chair, Communications Committee (FESSH)
- Honorary Treasurer and Officer (BSSH)
- Convenor of Masterclasses in Hand Surgery (BSSH)
- Committee for the Instructional Courses in Hand Surgery (BSSH)
- Chair, Communications Committee (BSSH) 2015-22
- Chair North West Surgical Hand Society
- Chair SAS Hand Manchester; an academic and clinical collaboration between Salford and South Manchester Hand Surgery Departments
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Orthopaedics:
- Group Clinical Director Trauma, Orthopaedic & Plastic Surgery Northern Care Alliance
- Clinical Director Trauma, Orthopaedic & Plastic Surgery Salford Royal Hospital (2019-2023)
- Clinical Governance & Patient Safety Lead
- Specialty Tutor for Trauma & Orthopaedics
- Organisational Lead, Trauma & Orthopaedics Quarterly Surgical Workshops
- Departmental Induction Lead
- Junior Doctor Recruitment & Appraisal Lead
- Recruitment of MCh Orthopaedic Fellows Lead
- Developed the Orthopaedic Teaching and Training Seminar Room, Ward B5
- Developed the Surgeons Training Room Level 1 Theatres
- Developed the Hand & Upper Limb Rehabilitation Protocols Booklet
- Developed the Hand & Upper Limb Radiology Protocols Booklet
- Developed the Department of Orthopaedics Induction Book
- Developed bespoke Hand Therapist Training Portfolio, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Prior to Salford Royal:
- Organised Fellows teaching, Wrightington Hospital
- Developed Old Wrightington Fellows website
- Organised the regional SpR Hand Module FRCS Exam (Apr 2007)
- Designed and produced the on-call rota in 4 different posts as a junior doctor
- Awarded The Royal Bolton NHS Trust Excellence Award ‘Organisational, Learning and Development Champion’:
- Designed and ran twice weekly departmental orthopaedic teaching program
- Re-developed the orthopaedic registrars’ room with new orthopaedic teaching facilities
- Helped to formulate an SHO induction booklet for new starters in orthopaedics
- Designed and ran a new Bolton Hospital Trauma Course for SpRs and SHOs
- Assisted in the creation of an Upper Limb database for the department
- Examiner European Board Hand Surgery
- Examiner British Diploma Hand Surgery
- Convenor Masterclasses in Hand Surgery (BSSH)
- Committee member BSSH Instructional Courses in Hand Surgery
- Assigned Educational Supervisor for BSSH Advanced Training Post (ATP) Interface Hand Fellows
- Assigned Educational Supervisor for Specialist Trainees in Orthopaedic Hand Surgery
- Assigned Educational Supervisor for Core Trainees in Plastic Surgery
- Assigned Educational Supervisor for General Practice Specialist Trainees placed in Orthopaedic Surgery
- Assigned Educational Supervisor for Hand Therapists, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
- Tutor for the British Postgraduate Diploma in Hand Surgery: Unit 3 (Fractures & Joint Injuries of the Hand & Wrist) & 4 (Osteoarthritis and Inflammatory Disorders of the Hand & Wrist)
- Examiner in the regional FRCS Hand mock vivas and clinical exams (2006-7, 2009-10)
- Teaching and examiner on the Regional Orthopaedic Trainee Hand & Shoulder Modules (2007, 2010, 2013)
- Lecturer in Trauma & Orthopaedics for ASiT MRCS revision courses (2005, 2010)
- Developed bespoke Hand Therapist Training Portfolio, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
- Developed the Department of Orthopaedics Induction Book, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
- OSCE Examiner, University of Manchester Medical School (2002, 2003, 2012, 2013)
- Problem Based Learning Tutor, University of Manchester Medical School (2005, 2010)
- Year 3, 4 and 5 Special Study Module and Project Supervisor, University of Manchester Medical School
- Weekly Orthopaedic ward based medical student teaching, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust (2005, 2010-13)
- Lecturing of A-Level & GCSE students regarding Medicine at The Manchester Grammar School & Withington Girls School (2001 – 2007)
Lectures & Tutorials
- GP VTS Scheme – “Disorders of the Hand”, Apr 2014 – 2023
- GP VTS Scheme – “Shoulder anda Elbow Problems in General Practice”, Jan 2014
- MSc Rheumatology – “Hand surgery in Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Nov 2012, Oct 2013
- NW Ortho Hand Module – “Hand Fractures & PIPJ injuries”, Jun 2013
- GP VTS Scheme – “The Hand in General Practice”, Mar 2013
- GP VTS Scheme – “The Upper Limb in General Practice”, Nov 2012
- NW Ortho Hand Module – “Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures”, Mar 2010
- SRFT Surgical Workshop: Updates in Distal Radius Fractures, Mar 2014
- SRFT Surgical Workshop: Trauma, Mar 2013, Jun 2013, Sep 2013, Dec 2013
- SRFT Surgical Workshop: Distal Radius ORIF, Dec 2012
- SRFT Surgical Workshop: Ex-Fix, Sep 2012
- BSSH Cadaveric Masterclasses 2015-2023
- British and European Hand Diploma Revision Course, Wrightington, 2014
- Hand & Upper Limb FRCS (Orth.) Course, Wrightington, 2007-14
- BSSH British and European Hand Diploma Revision Course, Manchester, 2013-4
- External Fixation of Upper Limb Course, Manchester, 2012
- ASiT MRCS Viva Course Manchester University, 2005, 2010
- UN Surgical Training Course, HRF Istanbul, 2008
- The Royal Bolton Trauma Course, 2007-9
- Orthoteers FRCS Orthopaedic Clinical Examination Course 2007-8
- North West MRCS Revision Course, 2007
- Royal College Surgeons Basic Surgical Skills Course, 2007
Mr Naqui‘s research publications can be also found at the following link: Click Here
Current Research:
- The management of chronic non-arthritic scapholunate Instability. A systematic review of the worldwide literature from 1965 to present.
- Evaluating the complications of Radial Volar Locking Plate procedures – a study of referrals to a tertiary wrist trauma practice
- PROMS 2: Pilot Group. Patient Rated Outcome Measures Study based in the North-West. Collecting Data using PROMS as an outcome measure.
Previous North West Research:
- Evaluating the complications of Radial Volar Locking Plate procedures – a study of referrals to a tertiary wrist trauma practice
- PROMS 2: Pilot Group. Patient Rated Outcome Measures Study based in the North-West. Collecting Data using PROMS as an outcome measure.
Invited Chapters:
- Tendonopathy at the Wrist Naqui & Ian Trail in: Disorders of the Hand; Ed. Mr Ian A Trail and Mr Andrew Fleming (Vol 2: Inflammation, Arthritis and Contractures) 2015 Springer
MSc Thesis:
- The Failure Strength of Meniscal Repair Techniques. A Biomechanical Comparison of the RapidLocTM Meniscal Repair System and PDS Suture Repair. MSc. Orthopaedic Engineering, Cardiff University 2004
Research Publications:
- A case report of Herpetic Whitlow with Positive Kanavel’s Cardinal Signs: A diagnostic and treatment difficulty; Brk;mac M, Bitar S, Naqui Z Case Rep Orthop. 2014;2014:906487
- Pain Mapping for Common Shoulder Disorders; Beyam L, Naqui SZ, Ahmad M, Chouhan A, Funk L American Journal of Orthopaedics July 2011;40(7):353-358.
- Early results of the Acclaim total elbow replacement in patients with primary osteoarthritis; Naqui SZ, Rajpura A, Nuttal D, Prasad P & Trail IA JBJS(Br) 2010 May Vol. 92(B)5: 668-71
- The reliability of the Constant-Murley Shoulder Scoring System; Yasin N, Naqui SZ, Muir LTSW Shoulder and Elbow Feb 2010, 2;259-262.
- A model for the conservative management of mallet finger; Richards SD, Kumar G, Booth S, Naqui SZ, Murali SR The Journal of Hand Surgery Vol. 29B No.1 Feb 2004
- Use of the Taylor-Spatial Frame in compression arthrodesis of the ankle. A study of 10 cases; Thiriyi WA, Naqui SZ, Khan SA J of Foot and Ankle Surgery 2010 Mar-Apr;49(2):182-7
- Correction of complex Paediatric deformities using Taylor-Spatial Frame; Naqui SZ, Tselentakis G, Thiryayi W, Evans M, Foster A, Day JB Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics 2008 Sep; 28(6): 640-64
- Underestimation of severity of previous whiplash injuries; Naqui SZ, Lovell SJ, Lovell ME Annals RCS Eng. 2008 Jan; 90(1): 51-53
- Parameters that effect time off work after whiplash injuries; Hagan KS, Lovell ME, Naqui SZ. Annals RCS Eng. 2007 Sept; 89(6): 624-626
- Minimal surgical approach for recurrent hip dislocation using the Posterior Lip Augmentation Device (PLAD); Gholve PA, Lovell ME & Naqui SZ. Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 21 No.6 Sept 2006
- A biomechanical comparison of the Mitek RapidLoc, Mitek MRS, Clearfix screws, vertical PDS and Ti-Cron sutures; Naqui SZ, Thiryayi W, Hopgood P, Ryan WGKnee 2006 Mar; 13(2):151-7
- Stiffness measurements to assess healing in bone transport (a preliminary report); Tselentakis G, Owen PJ, Naqui SZ, Kuiper JH, & Richardson JB. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2006 Jun; 7(2): 84 -87
- The Pakistan Earthquake: A British Trainee Experience; Ahmad MA, Naqui SZ, Shah N, Khan A, Williams JM, Jaffery A Injury 2006 Jun; 37(6): 567-9
- A Case Report – Pre-patellar bursitis as a first presentation of gout; Al-Ani SA, Naqui SZ, Bedford AF; European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. 2005 March; 15 (1) 71-73.
- Glass Fronted Fire Places: A clear and present danger; Naqui SZ, Enoch S, Shah M Burns. 2005 Feb;31(1):72-5.
- The noradrenergic system influences the fate of Cajal-Retzius cells in the developing cerebral cortex; Naqui SZ, Harris B, Parnavelas JG. Developmental Brain Research 113 (1999) 75-82
Published Abstracts:
- Correction of complex deformities using Taylor-Spatial Frame; Naqui SZ, Tselentakis G, Day JB European Journal of Trauma Vol. 28 April 2002 p192
- Correction of complex deformities using Taylor-Spatial Frame; Naqui SZ., Tselentakis G, Day JB Injury October 2001
- Peer-review Panel, Royal College of Surgeons England Annals & Bulletin Journals
- Author and Contributor for Editorial Board of The Orthoteers Orthopaedic Website, 2005-7
Structured Handover in Trauma and Orthopaedics
- Trivedi S, Moss R, Wardle K, Alio Z, Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, Mar 2014
- Identified key areas of improvement for safe handover of patients
Ward based Trauma Equipment for a Tertiary Trauma Centre
- Nash J, Fulford D, Divecha H, Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, Mar 2014
- Identified key trauma equipment required for the care of trauma patients in a Tertiary Trauma Centre
Upper Limb & Hand Trauma: Referral Patterns and Waiting Times
- Fulford D, Wright A, Stokes A, Jeyam M, Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, Jan 2014
- Evaluated waiting times and tertiary referral patterns of Hand & Upper Limb Trauma
Incidence of re-operation in distal radius fractures treated with volar locking plates
- Bitar S, Wasimi M, Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, Nov 2013
- Evaluated the nature and pattern of referrals to a tertiary wrist practice for re-do radial fracture work.
Orthopaedic Readmission rates and the financial implications?
- Howgate D, Reading J & Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, July 2012
- Evaluated the financial implications of elective and trauma readmissions within 30 days.
Elective Consent Audit
- Arshad S & Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, July 2012
- Looking at the rate of and pattern of consenting in the patient pathway in the Orthopaedic Dept.
Quality & Safety: How accurate are our operation notes?
- Mohammed H & Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, Sept 2011
- Looking at the content and accuracy of the elective and trauma operation notes in the notes.
The scanning and coding accuracy of operation notes?
- Somanchi V & Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, Sept 2011
- Looking at scanning practices for operation notes and proposal of strategies to improve.
Is the Orthopaedic OPD Safe, Clean & Personal?
- Yasin N & Naqui Z
- Upper Limb & Hand Unit, SRFT, Sept 2011
- Assessing the quality and safety in Orthopaedic outpatients.
Management of fragility fractures in fracture clinic
- Naqui Z, Younis F, Jugdey R, Freeman L, Warner JG & Hodgson SP
- Upper Limb Unit, Royal Bolton Hospital, May 2007
- Looked at the ‘medical’ management of osteoporotic fragility fractures
- Analysed data from 150 women – found no osteoporosis management in 98%
- Action: Protocol devised and proposed appointment of osteoporosis specialist nurse
Outcomes of Hip resurfacing and Ceramic Hybrid THR
- Naqui Z, Roberts C, Bamford DJ, O’Connor MA
- Hip Unit, Stepping Hill Hospital, June 2006
- Found similar demographics of population undergoing surgery and no difference in complication rates or short term outcomes. Small numbers.
- Action: Re-audit with increased follow-up and numbers. Formal Oxford Hip scores.
Postoperative Hyponatreamia in Fracture Neck of Femur patients
- MacLaren K & Naqui Z
- Dept. of Orthopaedics, SRFT, July 2005
- Examined incidence of post-operative hyponatraemia in DHS & Hemi-arthroplasty patients. Found high incidence of 3.87% Delayed discharge whilst patient’s electrolytes are corrected.
- Action: Re-audit after guidance on fluid prescription, avoid dextrose.
Fracture Neck of Femur – Management and outcomes of surgery
- MacLaren K & Naqui Z
- Dept. of Orthopaedics SRFT, May 2005
- 156/165 Patients operated on within 4 days (94.6%) 9 patients waited >4 days due to waits for imaging, pt unwell & theatre time. However no increase in mortality rate.
- Action: Re-audit, closer evaluation of delays and mortality rates.
Peri-operative Prophylactic Antibiotic administration in Orthopaedics
- Owen J, Naqui Z & Arshad S
- Dept. of Orthopaedics, SRFT, Mar 2005
- Prospective study of 47 pts. 20% pts received some form of inadequate cover. 88% Due to doctor omissions, 12% due to nurse omissions.
- Action: Re-Audit, Responsibility of all staff to ensure ABx administration; ?use generic sticker.
Mortalities in Dept of Orthopaedics for the Year 2002
- Taylor B & Naqui Z
- Department of Orthopaedics Wythenshawe Hospital, May 2003
- Admissions, 2 elective deaths (PE, sepsis), 28 emergency/trauma deaths.
- Overall mortality trauma/emergencies = 2.4%.
- Av time to theatre for NOF# 71 hrs. 30 day Mortality % = 8.5%
- Action: Re-audit, Improve time to theatre for NOF#
Blood Product usage in Lower Limb Arthroplasty.
- Samuel R & Naqui Z
- Department of Orthopaedics Wythenshawe Hospital, Mar 2003
- 46.3% of patients grouped or x-matched inappropriately
- (19.5% under-matched, 26.8% over-matched). Blood required in 26.8% of operations, Blood given appropriately in 81.8% of cases.
- Action: Re-audit, Stricter adherence to Max Blood Order Schedule.
Theatre Time Usage during Weekends
- Shetty A, Naqui Z & Borrill JK
- Department of Orthopaedics Wythenshawe Hospital, July 2003
- Cases (Jan – Jun 2003), Mean operating time per weekend – 9 hrs 32 mins
- Majority of cases morning and afternoon
- Action: Need Dedicated Trauma list for Saturday and Sunday
Physiotherapy led Knee pain clinic
- Roberts M, Naqui Z & Ryan WG.
- Department of Orthopaedics, Royal Bolton Hospital, Nov 2001
- Trial period clinic. Found reduced clinic waiting times, appropriate use of investigations including MR Scan. 75% knee problems managed by the physiotherapy team.
- Action: Re-audit, Full implementation of Physiotherapy knee clinic. ?Other Physio clinics.
Fracture Neck of Femur – closing the audit loop
- Naqui Z & Livingstone BN
- Department of Orthopaedics, Wigan Infirmary, Mar 2000
- Found improvement in documentation, better co-operation between Care of Elderly and Orthopaedic teams and reduced time to theatre.
- Action: Re-audit to further improve results.
Fracture Neck of Femur – Management and outcomes of surgery
- Naqui Z & Livingstone BN
- Department of Orthopaedics, Wigan Infirmary, Oct 1999
- Found considerable delays in time to theatre due to inter-speciality communication problems and poor quality of medical documentation. No NOF# fast-tracking.
- Action: Improve documentation, Fast-track #NOF, improve intra and interdepartmental communication.
Back Pain ‘whose problem is it anyway?’
- Naqui Z
- A&E referral audit Wythenshawe Hospital, Mar 1999
- Found considerable differences in casualty officers in – signs and symptoms looked for, investigations organised, quality of documentation, referral criteria and specialty referred to.
- Action: Re-audit, Formal back pain SHO teaching, red-flag protocol and proforma
Diabetes Mellitus ‘The Benchmark of High Standards of Primary Care’
- Naqui Z
- GP audit University College London, July 1995
- Prize winning audit at medical school. Found ill defined and disorganised care of diabetics at inner-city practice, wide differences in follow-up.
- Action: Clear recording of HbA1C, notes should be clearly marked, commence a diabetic clinic.
Upper Limb & Hand Presentations:
Zaf lectures regularly delivering teaching and research presentations in hand surgery on several occasions a year both on a national and international level.
- Incidence of re-operation in distal radius fractures treated with volar locking plates – A UK experience; S Bitar, M Wasimi, T Markey & Z Naqui, Manchester, United Kingdom, FESSH, Paris June 2014
- The Range of the Oxford Shoulder Score in the Asymptomatic Population – A marker for Post-Operative Improvement; Younis F, Sultan J, Dix S, Naqui Z & Hughes PJ. Podium: BESS Liverpool, Jun 2008
- Short-term Outcomes of the Acclaim Elbow Replacement for Primary OA; Naqui Z, Rajpura A & Trail IA. Podium: Upper Limb Symposium University of Pittsburgh USA, Apr 2008
- North-West Extra-Articular Distal Radial fracture Multi-centre RCT: The story so far. Naqui Z & Warner JG. Podium: AO Hand UK Executive Meeting, Apr 2008
- Shoulder Pain Mapping for Common Shoulder Disorders; Beyam L, Naqui Z, Chouhan A, Funk L Royal Salford Hope Hospital UK. Podium: North West Orthopaedic Association 1st Prize, Nov 2007. Poster: ISAKOS, Florence, May 2007. Poster: SECEC, Rome, Sept 2005
- Evaluation of the objective component of the Constant-Murley Shoulder Scoring System; Yasin N, Naqui Z, Muir LTSW. Podium: North West Orthopaedic Association 1st Prize, Nov 2008. Poster: BESS Telford, Jun 2007. Podium: Runner-up as presentation for Best BESS poster for 2007. Poster: EFFORT, May 2008
- Outcomes of S3 locking plate for proximal humerus fractures; Naqui Z, Freeman L, O’Sullivan, Younis F, Warner JG & Hodgson SP. Poster: BESS Telford, Jun 2007. Poster: EFFORT, May 2008
- Short-term outcomes of DVR plate fixation for distal radius fractures; Ibrahim I, Alsey C, Naqui Z & Warner JG. Podium: BOA Manchester, Sept 2007. Podium: BSSH Leeds, May 2007.
- Who gives extra help after wrist fractures? Copus N, Naqui Z, Lovell ME Department of Orthopaedics Wythenshawe Hospital. Podium: British Trauma Society, London, Oct 2003.
- A model for mallet finger management; Richards SD, Naqui Z, Booth S, Murali SR. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Wrightington and Wigan Hospital. Podium: British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Bristol, Dec 2000.
Presentations: Other
- The South Asian Earthquake: A British Trainee Experience; Naqui Z, Ahmad MA, Shah N, Khan A, Williams JM & Jaffery A. Podium: North West Orthopaedic Association, Nov 2006.
- A biomechanical comparison of the Mitek RapidLoc, Mitek MRS, Clearfix screws, vertical PDS and Ti-Cron sutures; Naqui Z, Thiryayi W, Hopgood P & Ryan WG. Podium: Society of French Arthroscopy, Paris, Dec 2005. Podium: North West Orthopaedic Association, Nov 2005.
- Correction of complex deformities using Taylor-Spatial Frame; Naqui Z, Thiryayi W, Tselentakis G, Day JB. Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. Podium: World Congress on External Fixation Lima, Peru, May 2005. Podium: North West Orthopaedic Association, Nov 2002. Poster: European Trauma Congress, Vienna, Austria, May 2002. Podium: The British Trauma Society, Leeds, Oct 2001.
- Compression Ankle Arthrodesis using the Taylor-Spatial Frame; Naqui Z, Thiriyi W, Khan SA Royal Salford Hope Hospital UKPoster: World Congress on External Fixation Lima, Peru, May 2005.
- Underestimation of previous whiplash injuries; Naqui Z, Lovell SJ & Lovell ME Department of Orthopaedics Wythenshawe HospitalPodium: British Trauma Society, London, Oct 2003.
- Parameters that effect time off work after whiplash injuries; Hagan KS, Naqui Z, Lovell ME. Department of Orthopaedics Wythenshawe Hospital. Podium: British Trauma Society, London, Oct 2003.
- Stiffness measurements to assess healing in bone transport; Tselentakis G, Owen PJ, Naqui Z, Kuiper JH, Richardson JB. The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic and District Hospital NHS Trust, Oswestry. Poster: International Society for Fracture Repair, Toronto, Sept 2002.
- Life as a hospital doctor; Naqui Z. Conference entitled ‘Medicine a course, a career a way of life’. Other speakers included Prof. Galasko. One-hour presentation.Podium: The Manchester Grammar School, Oct 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007.
- Nosocomial Infection – a key factor in mortality of post cardiothoracic patients; Campbell CS, Naqui Z, Stanbridge N. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Wythenshawe Hospital, ManchesterPodium: Indian Association of Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Calcutta, India, Feb 2001.
- FESSH Annual Congress Meetings 2014 – 2023
- BSSH Scientific Meetings 2010-2023
- North West Surgical Hand Society Meeting, Jul 2011, Jul 2012, Jan 2013, Jan 2014, May 2014
- SAS Hand Manchester Meeting, Oct 2012, May 2013, Oct 2013, May 2014
- North West Orthopaedic Research Meeting, Nov 2006, Mar 2007, Nov 2007, Nov 2012, Nov 2013
- Inaugural BSSH Hand Diplomats Dining Club, London, Oct 2013
- BSSH Autumn Scientific Meeting, London, Oct 2013
- FESSH, Anatalya, Turkey, May 2013
- BSSH & BAHT Spring Scientific Meeting, Harrogate, Apr 2013
- BSSH Autumn Scientific Meeting, York, Oct 2012
- BSSH Spring Scientific Meeting, London , Apr 2012
- BSSH Autumn Scientific Meeting, London, Oct 2011
- BSSH Autumn Scientific Meeting, London Oct 2010
Hand & Wrist
- EWAS Specialist Wrist Arthroscopy Course, Strasbourg, 2014
- Fannin Cadaveric Hand & Wrist Surgical Skills Course, Coventry, 2013
- BSSH Windsor Anatomy Dissection Course, Kings College London, 2013
- BSSH Instructional Hand Courses 2011-3, Congenital Neoplasia Ganglia, 2013
- BSSH Instructional Hand Courses 2011-3, Joint Injury, Arthritis, 2012
- Charnley Hand & Wrist Course Wrightington, 2011
- Stryker Distal Radius & Hand Dissection course, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2011
- Epsom Wrist Surgery Cadaveric Workshop, 2009
- Wrightington Tricks & Tips in Hand & Wrist Surgery, 2008
- BSSH Instructional Hand Courses 2005-2008 (completed):
- Skin & soft tissue, Infection, Dupuytren’s Disease, 2008
- Disorders of Forearm & Wrist, 2007
- Neoplasia, Congenital, Ganglia, 2007
- Fractures, Joint Injury, Arthritis, 2006
- Tendon, Paralysis and Rehabilitation, 2006
- Nerve Injury, Compression, Pain, 2005
- Mini C Arm Flouroscan authorisation course Pulvertaft Hand Centre, 2007
- Hand & Wrist Course Wrightington, 2006
- Intermediate techniques in Arthroscopic Surgery, 2004
- AO/ASIF Hand & Wrist Fixation Course, 2003
- Wrightington Hoffmann Upper-Limb Ex-Fix Course, 2003
Shoulder & Elbow
- Nottingham Shoulder Arthroscopy Course, 2011
- Sheffield Equinox Shoulder Trauma Arthroplasty course, 2011
- Arthrex Shoulder Arthroscopy Skills, Keele University, Germany 2009
- Nottingham Shoulder Arthroscopy Skills Course, 2009
- Wrightington Sporting Shoulder course, 2008
- Wrightington Advances in Elbow Surgery course, 2007
- Watanabe Shoulder Arthroscopy – Therapeutic & Diagnostic, 2007
- Sheffield Elbow Course, 2007
- Shoulder Arthroscopy Skills Workshop, Arthrex, Sheffield, 2006
Management & Teaching
- NHS Financial Awareness Workshop, SRFT, Sept 2013
- AES (Educational Supervisor Training), SRFT, July 2013
- PEP UG Education Course, SRFT, May 2013
- Postgraduate Training, SRFT, Mar 2012
- Tools of The Trade Workshop for Trainee Assessment, 2009
- Management skills course for Specialist Training, 2008
- Teaching the Teachers for SpRs, 2008
- Creating Effective Leaders & Teams, 2008
- Keele University Management Course, 2007
- Advanced Trauma Life Support Revalidation, 2008
- Bristol Basic Science Course, 2006
- Anatomy and Surgical Exposures, Oswestry, 2006
- Orthopaedic Paediatric Course Alder Hey, 2006
- RCS Eng. Orthopaedic Cadaveric Anatomy Course, 2005
- Intramedullary Nailing Course Coventry & Warwick, 2004
- AO/ASIF Principles of Operative Fracture Treatment Course for Surgeons, 2002
- APLS: Advanced Paediatric Life Support, 2001
- CCrISP: Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient, 2000
- ATLS: Advanced Trauma Life Support, 1999
- ALS: Advanced Life Support, 1999
- Basic Surgical Skills, 1999
Voluntary Work
- Chief Organiser of ‘Manchester Burns Camp’ Annual Charity Football Match, 2001–8
- Team Leader of British Volunteer Trauma Team, South East Asia Earthquake, managing 140 trauma cases, 2005
- Fundraiser for STEPS Charity (Children with lower limb deformities), 2007
- Group Leader and Organiser of Biannual Wales expeditions for 60 teenagers, 2000-7
- Organiser of NSPCC Doctors vs. Nurses Football Match Wigan, 2000
- Wythenshawe vs. Booth Hall Hospitals, Doctors & Nurses Football Match, raising funds for Booth Hall Burns Unit, 2000
- Kosovo Refugee medical reception committee Manchester Airport, 1999
Committee posts held
- Vice-President of the Medical Society Committee at UCL, 1992-3
- Medical Society Executive Committee UCL, 1991-2
- Executive of the Manchester Grammar School Charities Commission, 1990-1
- Founder and Editor of the Manchester Grammar School Charities Magazine, 1990-1
- Regular squash and running
- Learning to play golf
- BUPA Manchester 10K runs, 2007 & 2010
- 20,000 foot trek of Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of building schools in developing countries, 2009
- Member of the UCL 1st and 2nd Cricket Teams, 1992-3